The series is mostly known for its successful line of companion children's books. As of October 2004, the series has spawned 36 series of children's books spanning 452 volumes in all. Rights for some of the books have been sold to Taiwan. Other intellectual properties rights managers from South Korea and Thailand have shown interests in the books. It was initially marketed to be the Mickey Mouse of the far east, though the artistic style is more similar to .
The is blue, because the color signifies dreams. Blue Cat is always curious and explores different parts of the world in any given time era with his imagination.
* Super-cat
* orange fox
* green mouse Naughty/Taoqi
* pink mouse Ms
* yellow mouse Fatty/Feizai
* mother of the kids Aunt Hen/Ji Dashen
* red pig Sweet Sister Tianniu
* strong bear
* alien girl , Princess
* ...
Series titles
* , aka Classical Blue Cat
* , aka Living Olympics
* , aka Adventure in Space
* , fire protection
* MTV of Blue Cat
* Blue Cat for Kindergarten
Length Counting
* 424 eps for Classical Blue Cat
* 384 eps for '''Star War
* 264 eps for Dinosaur Times
* 312 eps for Ocean World
* 257 eps for Living Olympics
* 400 eps for Adventure in Space
* 108 eps for Safe Driving
* 119 eps for The Team 119
* 365 eps for Incredible Adventures of Blue Cat
Along with the cartoon programs, the franchise has spawned home videos, books, CDs, kid's clothes and shoes, toys, beverage and candy. The planning of a "Blue Cat Theme Park" has also entered the appraisal stage in 2006. Sega have also announced a collaboration with "Sunchime Cartoon Group" and Suzhou based game software developer "XPEC Entertainment" to jointly develop and release video games or other forms of digital entertainment contents based on the Blue Cat on August 4, 2006.
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